about us

We are a band of electric motor bike and scooter enthusiast who march to our own drumbeat. We love the destinations that electric motors can take us on as much the thrill that comes with scoring affordable prices. Electric motors have zero mentions towards the environment and we pride ourselves on offering these types of environmentally friendly products. Green tours and energy conservation is vital to our product catalog. We hold ourselves to a high regard and insist on providing top notch products and customer service to provide a shopping experience like no other.

As adventurers and bikers ourselves, we integrate the latest shopping technology into our website to offer a tech-inspired shopping platform you’ll be hard pressed to find elsewhere. This website is the combination of years of our research and development, our combined years of experience in the retail sector, and our love of ecommerce.

Licenced Dealers


Happy Customers


eBikes Shipped


Company Milestones Achived